Squares and stripes

First of all...bear with me. This is my sister dancing with Donnie. (About 30 seconds in.)

Warning: Turn down the volume unless you are a fan. Lots and lots and LOTS of screaming:


Sniff. I'm so proud!! Oddly enough, she was only up there for 20 seconds or so. It felt like four minutes while we were there. This is a good thing, because it means I was only standing there frozen like a total dweeb for less than a minute. Good stuff.

OK, so let's move on. The long awaited squares and stripes post, which works well for this time of year (stars and stripes...get it??). It's really not rocket science, and yet again, there will collective "DUH." when you're done reading, but I like to share so I'm sharing. OK? OK.
First, the squares. The two items you must have for squares and stripes is a level (either the one below or a laser level that sends a beam of light straight down the wall) and blue painters tape. For this wall, I used two inch painters tape for the whole wall. I used the white wall as the background, but if you want a color, you'll need to paint it that color first.
Then, the measurements all depend on the size of squares that you want, or how many rows/columns you want. Say your wall is 127 inches -- and you want six columns of squares. You'll subtract two inches for each end of the wall, and each two inch space between each column -- basically each spot the painters tape will go.

Like this:
127 inch wall
six columns equals seven two inch sections (on each end of the wall and between each column)
7 sections x 2 inches (for painters tape)=14 inches
127 inches - 14 inches= 115 inches
Now divide 115 by six (for six columns)= each column would be 19.16 inches wide.

Do the same for the rows up and down as well. I know I made this seem complicated and it's really not that bad. It may take you a few tries to get the right measurements -- it did me. The rest is easy, it just takes time.

I hope that made sense! After you've figured out your measurements, you'll just need to measure off your wall. I use a yard stick, with the measurement marked, and I keep moving it down the wall, marking, say, 19.16 inches up and down the wall. Then take the level and use it to make straight lines on the wall vertically and horizontally.

Take your blue painters tape and run it along the lines. You can use the laser level and put the paint along the laser line, (this is how I do it) or you can put a light pencil line down the wall and then tape that off. To make sure no paint bleeds under the tape, I've heard many tricks, but all I do is take my thumbnail and run it down each side of the tape. You can also use a credit card or pan scraper. It works every time for me.

For stripes, my little trick is to use the yard stick again. In our son's room, I wanted the stripes in different widths -- two, seven, three and five inches. I did all the painting before the chair rail was put up, so the top of the stripes doesn't have to be perfect. Before I started, I marked the measurements and colors on my yard stick, and then used the painter's tape to hang the yard stick on the wall:

Using the marks on the yard stick, I used the level and painters tape to put the stripes down the wall. With stripes, you can't do all of them at once. My wall was cream, so that stripe was done. I had to paint three other colors, so I did the dark and medium green first, let it dry (I did NOT wait as long as they recommend and you don't need to) and did a quick second coat. Then I pulled off the tape and the next day did the third, lightest green by reapplying painters tape on each side of that stripe and painting:
Of course, the more colors, the longer it takes. It seems complicated and again, it's not. The great thing about varying stripes is you don't have to measure the wall like with squares. Just figure out what look you want and go. Once you get going, it will go surprisingly fast. Surprisingly. Swear. Pinky swear.

I taped off most of the stripes in my son's room within a couple hours, and the total paint time was probably a few hours.

I did stripes on one wall in our bedroom as well:
This was done by just painting the wall the base color, then taping off one foot columns and painting a shimmer glaze over the base. It's a really subtle look and I absolutely love it.

My biggest tip when using painters tape -- take the tape off when the paint is still damp if at all possible!! I've heard from professionals to keep it on till the paint is dry, but when I've done that, it makes a mess. The lines turn out awful, because the tape pulls up little pieces of the paint. When it's damp the tape comes right off, leaving a clean line.

If you have any other tips for a clean line or painting stripes/squares, please leave them in the comments! I know many of you have textured walls and I know it can be done, I've just never tried it. ;) I appreciate any other thoughts!!

It takes some patience, but the result is so custom and beautiful, you won't regret it!

P.S. I went to the best antiques shop in Indiana today and whoooeee, I have some eye candy for you later this week!! If you follow me on Twitter, you have already seen some of them. Fabulous!!!

Otra "puerta biblioteca" de madera

Muchas Gracias: Aquí mando las fotos de la puerta-biblioteca que me hizo un carpintero amigo gracias a la idea que vi en la pagina A todos los que la ven les parece muy buena y practica. Gracias. Liliana.

Para ampliar información y ver fotos de puertas siga el vínculo, encontrará una lista de posteos ordenados para su fácil revisión.

Puerta cerrada
Puerta biblioteca cerrada
Puerta cerrada terminada y abierta sin terminar.

Puerta abierta
Puerta biblioteca abierta
En la siguiente tabla hay links a otros posteos elegidos que son relevantes para este porque muestran soluciones para el hogar.

- Sobre la puerta biblioteca
- Puerta estilo Art Decó
- Puertas italianas
- Diseño puertas modulares biblioteca

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Salamandra de hierro y vidrio

Salamandra Filfer Super Vitro. Construida con fundición de hierro y vidrio temocerámico en la puerta. Permite disfrutar de la vista del los leños ardiendo. Altura 69cm, Ancho 57cm, Profundidad 42cm, 10Kg de carga de leña. Visite el sitio web www.sorrentinopatagonia.com - Argentina.

Para ver alternativas para calefaccionar su hogar siga este vínculo, encontrará una lista de posteos relevantes.

Salamandra de hierro y vidrio
Más equipamiento y calefacción para la casa en los vínculos de la tabla a continuación.

- Estufa de leña y madera
- Radiador de cristal
- Agua caliente central
- Hogar de leños
- Calefactor de llama virtual

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It. was. awesome.

Oh my goodness people. I cannot even tell you how. much. fun. we had last night. I'm not even kidding. It was the time of my life!!! First, some pictures, and then you'll just die at the story at the end!!!!

Our seats were AWESOME, thanks to a former coworker of my sister/second cousin of my best friend (long story). We were right behind the sound stage. Thank God I'm 11 feet tall:

I kept standing on the railing around the sound stage, making me about twelve feet tall. The security guys were giving me the stink eye and a stern "GET. DOWN." look quite often. Whateva dudes. I waited 18 years for this:
Jared the Subway guy knew someone in the band and sat right in front of us. My goober adorable best friend and sister got pictures with him:
We went ALL OUT and got a limo -- here's a few shots. Me and my sis:
My hawty hawt shoes:
(Yes. I have blisters.)
My and my BFF. We've been best friends for about 23 years. Five NK's concerts together, and I wouldn't want to go with anyone else:
And a self portrait with the massive crowd behind us!!
So GET THIS. Before the show, my BF is Twittering Donnie (to my fellow twitterers (?) I'm sorry for the goofy posts last night!) and just to be funny, I twitter him our section, row and seats and tell him to come out to see us (we heard earlier that they come out in the crowd.)

Later in the show, the lights go down and all the sudden the guys are all spread out in the crowd. Donnie is immediately to our right, about five feet away. My sis and BF are over there in two seconds. I turn around and Joe is to my left, about five feet away as well. The seas parted and crazed girls grown women went screaming to each side of me. I stood like a goofball right smack in the middle, by myself, freaking out -- which way to go???

I was frozen. I couldn't decide. (Ladies, they were both smokin' hot. Smokin'.) I look over to the right at Donnie and there's this cute chick dancing with him, and I'm like, oh, she's cute! Oh, I hate her. Oh, she's cute though. But oh wait, look, there's Joe! Right there. Geez, that girl is still dancing with Donnie! I still don't know which way to go. Frozen.

I look over again...it hits me....

It was the most surreal experience of my life. I run over there, get on a chair and am about three feet from Donnie, eye level....

And I don't have a camera. Nothing. My phone had long died, I didn't bring in my camera, I had no idea where the other cameras were. I could have gotten the most amazing pictures of Joe and Donnie if I had one. I am hating myself right now!!

I don't even know if they get twitters from fans, but we thought it was so odd that he ended up right next to us. :) It was fantastic. My best friend has been a Donnie fan for 20 years and held his hand. We felt like we were 15 again, only better. :) It was the best concert I've ever been to, hands down. There are only about ten more concerts -- if you are not sure about going -- you MUST. You won't regret it. They know how to entertain!!

Thanks for letting me gush!! I feel like you are all my friends, so I had to share the night with you! And a big thanks to those of you who could care less about former teeny boppers for putting up with me lately. I swear, no more about it -- back to painting, crafting, decorating....I promise. :)

Decoración de baño - USA

Otra imagen para su inspiración, es de un baño en los EEUU (Bahia de San Francisco). Combinación de colores (Marrón, blanco y celeste) y diseño decorativo. Visto en Apartmenttherapy.com Para revisar información sobre baños siga el vínculo, hay una lista de posteos relevantes.

Baño decorado
Revise otros posteos sobre equipamiento y decoración de baños, siga los links en la tabla a continuación.

- Baño + diseño
- Baño y madera
- Decoración baños
- Vanitory de baños
- Accesorios de cerámica para el baño

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Vivienda de madera escalonada en desnivel

Casa de balcones en escalones.
Este diseño de casa en desnivel sobre una ladera, realizada en madera, tiene características de las que suelen identificar la arquitectura australiana. La edificación está lanzada al borde y todos los ambientes cuentan con abundante luz natural y vistas naturales. Puede verse como una cabaña sofisticada que se integra a ese ambiente con mínimo impacto sobre su suelo.

Foto 1
Hay espacios amplios abiertos y ambientes exteriores con acceso libre para estar dentro y fuera de la casa. La madera aporta un material que armoniza en el entorno.

Foto 2
Estudio de arquitectura Neeson Murcutt Architects L5 71 York Street Sydney 2000 www.neesonmurcutt.com

Foto 3
Vea otras casas en desnivel y escalonadas, casas del abismo y diseños para terrenos similares.

- Casa en la ladera de un lago
- Una casa sobre el abismo
- Residencia en una ladera
- Una casa en el aire

Edificio Acqua - Punta del Este, Uruguay

Entre la tierra y el mar.
bra del arquitecto rioplatense Rafael Viñoly (www.vinoly.com) que está por completar su materia pendiente: construir en Uruguay, pais de nacimiento, su primer edificio. Son las Residencias Acqua en Playa Brava, Punta del Este. Apartamentos con piscinas en altura.

Estos apartamentos tienen un valor de mercado de 1 a 2 millones de dólares y hay dos a ofrecer por 7 millones.

Más edificios en otros posteos, siga los links de la tabla amarilla.

- El Aleph - Puerto Madero
- Villa Le Larc
- Edificio de diseño original
- Edificio tipo casa residencial

Check HER out!

I'm a total slacker. I know I was supposed to blog about my squares and stripes today, but the day got away from me and so did the natural light. Any self-respecting blogger does not take night pictures if they can help it. (Yikes.)

So bare with me folks, I will post it first thing next week! Until then, I am sharing more inspiration with you. Some bloggy love for your weekend pleasure...

You just won't believe how this bench started out. You won't. Swear. Cross my heart. You must go see it to believe it. Jen at Sanctuary Arts at Home does some beautiful work, go check her out!

Michelle at Creatively Dreaming doesn't have a mudroom, so she made one. Doesn't this look GREAT??:
Oh I love me some beadboard!!

Ohhh, and you know I love an organized pantry!! (See the right for mine.) Take a look at this amaaaaaazing pantry (HA! I wrote "panty" at first. Wow.) redo that Kristen did over at We are THAT Family:
You MUST check it out, just for the handle on the pantry door. You must.

Look at this adorable teacher's gift my friend Rebecca did over at Older and Wisor:
Oh my goodness. I know it's too late for most teacher's this year, but this would be perfect for a baby's room, a new married couple, whatever! Just change up the papers. You must read through Rebecca's blog, she is so creative and so. funny. I pee my pants every visit, I swear.

And because I am sooooo proud of my reader's who jump in and try some of my projects, I have to share these with you!

Heidi did my Ballard Designs project:

Richella (just say that...lovely name) at Imparting Grace did my easy roman shades:
June used my toot to cover her lampshade. What a difference!!:

Erin took a boring bookshelf and with paint and fabric backs, transformed it!:

Liz and her hubby used my sofa table directions to do this:

Crystal made this window treatment using these directions.

See?! I told you you could do these. Easy peasy! Have a great weekend!

OMG twodaystilltheconcertIamsoexcited!!!! WHEEEEE!!

Sillón de estilo Minimalista

Este sillón tiene un diseño magistral, es una pieza del Arles museum, diseño del arquitecto de Toulouse, Frédéric Rhodes. Visto en Mocoloco.com
Por más información sobre muebles siga el vínculo, hay una lista de posteos relevantes para revisar.

Sillón Minimalista
Sillón de diseño Minimalista
También vea otro con ideas para la decoración y ambientación de interiores con pequeños muebles y diseño de hoy.

Hay más posteos sobre sillones y otros muebles publicados en este mismo blog, revise los vínculos en la tabla a continuación.

- Sillon relax
- Escritorio de diseño
- Sillas de diseño
- Asientos Chesterfield

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Free paint?!

Holy crap! If you go to:

Pick a color online or at Home Depot and they will send you a free quart. That's it. And it's in my favorite finish -- eggshell. Swoon. The offer is good through July 2 or while supplies last. Get to it!!

Ummmm....I gotta figure out what color I want!! The pressure, I can't take it!!!
(Thanks Tara, Renee and Kari for the heads up!)

Stay tuned -- tomorrow I'll show you how I paint squares and stripes. Oh, and I'm giving Twitter a try. I've sucked at it if you've been following me, sorry. But if you really care what I have to say, go ahead and sign up. (See the left.) I'm uber exciting you know.

Reforma de viejo departamento en Madrid

Aquí alguien se ha animado a tirar paredes y lograr espacios con claridad para conseguir interiores confortables Contemporáneos. Las reformas y remodelaciones requieren de ideas, organización, presupuesto y ¿por qué no? un poco también arrojo personal.

Interior departamento
En un apartamento antíguo (Siglo XIX) se han demolido las paredes para lograr espacios amplios definidos por los muebles. Obra de Jacobo García-Germán (www.jacobogarciagerman.com) completada en 2006. Lea un artículo sobre reformas y remodelaciones que le servirá de motivación y orientación.

Bosquejo reforma
Revise otros posteos, siga los links en la tabla amarilla. No olvide agregar este blog a sus Favoritos, también puede volcar su opinión en un comentario.

- Ideas para departamentos
- Reforma de balcón con madera
- Reforma de cocina en apartamento
- Estudio decorado en Roma
- Reformas de la casa

Deje su opinión en un comentario. Sume este blog a su lista de Favoritos. Si desea recibir novedades por correo electrónico, inserte su dirección email en la ventana para tal fin sobre la barra lateral del blog. Más abajo hay una simple encuesta muy fácil de responder con un clic, sirve para orientar los contenidos del blog segun sus motivaciones e intereses. Gracias por responder.

Modernismo: Movimiento de Stijl, Casa Schröder

Modernismo y Plasticismo
Una aclaración para un término que produce confusión: Modernismo.
En España identifica al Art Nouveau, en Estados Unidos a la arquitectura moderna de los años 50 y 60 Mid Century, pero en Europa identifica al movimiento neoplasticista.

Arquitectura de Casas: Modernismo: Movimiento de Stijl, Casa Schroder

Lo que dice Wikipedia sobre Neoplasticismo:
"Neoplasticismo es la corriente artística promulgada por Piet Mondrian en 1917 que proponía despojar al arte de todo elemento accesorio en un intento de llegar a la esencia a través de un lenguaje plástico objetivo y, como consecuencia, universal. Junto con Theo van Doesburg fundó la revista De Stijl, principal órgano de difusión del movimiento, en cuyo primer número apareció publicado el manifiesto neoplasticista."

"Características de esta corriente:
Coherencia estética; que sea un movimiento inconfundible (debe haber, por tanto, un programa).
Grupo antindividualista; algo que ya vimos en el cubismo analítico con Picasso y Braque (sus obras apenas se distinguían).
Buscan un lenguaje formal novedoso; distinto del arte tradicional.
Los elementos básicos de las obras neoplasticistas son:
Línea vertical y horizontal
Colores claros y oscuros (primarios/ gris, blanco y negro)
Concepto de grande y pequeño, es decir, la oposición de contrarios
Ángulos rectos y grandes planos
Aplicación del arte a todos los ámbitos (algo que ya pudimos ver en el movimiento modernista)."

A partir de un comentario, agrego esta información ya que ayuda a aclarar las características del Modernismo, lo que es una casa Moderna y el Plasticismo, Neoplasticismo. Lo que motiva esto es poder llegar a definir mejor la arquitectura de la Casa Schroder.

Casa Schroder
Schroder House, construída en el año 1924 en Utrecht, Holanda, es la primera y quizás la más famosa estructura diseñada por el reverenciado arquitecto de Stijl, Gerrit Rietveld. Un lugar de peregrinación para arquitectos e historiadores, esta pequeña casa de barrio es considerada la primera residencia Moderna.

Su revolucionario diseño de plan abierto proveía una alternativa al confinamiento de los cuartos pequeños, sus ventanas despojadas rompieron las barreras entre el interior y el exterior y su combinación de colores primarios y paredes planas levantadas eran símbolos de una ruptura con la tradición.

Bertus Mulder fue asistente de Rietveld en el tiempo que la casa fue construída y brindó información que ha enriquecido la disponible hasta el momento, mientras se la sigue investigando minuciosamente.

El "Modernismo español" equivale al Art Nouveau y se usa como si fuera un nombre propio de las expresiones arquitectónicas famosas, como las casas de Gaudi en Barcelona. Revise otros posteos con muestras de casas Modernas, Modernistas y expresiones del Modernismo del Siglo XX.

- + de Modernismo arquitectónico
- Casas Modernistas - USA
- Casas Modernistas
- Modernismo y arquitectura Moderna

Por favor, deje su opinión en un comentario al pie. Agregue este blog de arquitectura de casas a su lista de Favoritos. Para recibir novedades por email inserte su dirección de correo electrónico en la ventana de la barra lateral. Más abajo hay una breve encuesta muy fácil de responder con clic sirve para orientar la publicación de los contenidos según su motivación e intereses. Gracias por participar.

My fruity kitchen.

Our kitchen is ever-changing. I am always tweaking something. I have major Decorating ADD in this room. Issues people.

I have noticed lately that many of my tweaks involve faux fruit and I'm starting to think it looks like the farmer's market on a Saturday morning. I thought I would share the room and my fruity obsession with you so you can decide for yourself.

I know the rage right now is light -- white, cream, bright. I lurve that look, but my style is still deeper colors, warm spaces, dark wood tones. Our kitchen has cherry floors, cherry cabinets and the walls and ceiling are painted Sisal from Behr. (One of my favorite colors of all time!):
We even picked out a black backsplash for the builder to install. I love it but am craving something a little lighter now:
The good thing about a black backsplash is the phone disappears. So do the cords for the under cabinet lighting:
And yes, I was a Southern Living at Home consultant back in the day. I love that stuff!

Fruity obsession Exhibit A:

A couple years ago, I decided to paint our bay window a deeper olive color and love it. I even painted the ceiling the same color:I made all of the window treatments in this space, and YOU CAN TOO!! Go here if you don't believe me or if you want to make your own. (Told ya.)

The light fixture was $30 on clearance at Lowe's and it was a plug in fixture. I hard wired it, so I had to cover the black cord. Love how this turned out:
We have a lot of space above our cabinets, and I putz around with it all the time. I love decorating that area but it's always changing. And yes. Yes, I do have fake plants. Shoot me:
Fruity obsession Exhibit B:
You can see my beadboard island project here.

I lurrrve pot racks. This one was a steal at Hob Lob for half off:
You can see how I did the stencils above the cabinets here.

If this was Rate My Space I would have taken everything off the side of the fridge, but ya'll are my peeps. (Double pound to the chest.)

Fruity obsession Exhibit C:
Pears in three -- count them -- THREE spots all within a two foot radius. Issues: I have them.

Here are a couple more shots:
I still have plans to change the sink, change the faucet, change the pantry door, change the backsplash, add more beadboard in a couple spots, put glass fronts on some of the cabinet doors, add crown molding to the whole space, and, and, AND...

maybe add some more fruit? No? Dang.

**T minus FIVE days till NKOTB. Found an outfit today. Squeal!!

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