I've been going to a deep, dark place...

It's down here...

It's got floors like this -- EWWW!:

There's usually a lot of this going on:
Hide your eyes...
it's scary...
this is the worst part:
AHHHHHH!!!!! I know!!!

God Bless blogging...but it has created a bloggy butt on this Chick. Seriously...I say I've gained ten pounds in the past year...

But really. It's only been since, maybe October, when I really got into the blogging stuff. That's what, FIVE MONTHS?

Sick, I tell you. So this is how I spend 20 30 35 (!!!) minutes most nights now.
It's time to get my butt back.

Baby Toddler monitor?



Ipod playing NKOTB?

Next week, I start on this monster again:

I'm sceeeeered!!!

P.S. Your comments on my last post made ME all weepy. So sweet!!

P.P.S. I met one of my bloggy friends today! I can't wait to tell you about it. I also picked up an Easter/springy craft I will show you this weekend.

Numeración de domicilio

La identificación de la casa en la fachada es una asunto que suele quedar a un lado o puede verse sobredimensionado, como ocurre con los grandes números en los accesos de los nuevos edificios residenciales. Esta imagen de numeración de una casa la publico por la acertada elección de los elementos numéricos, la visibilidad y el equilibrio de los materiales.
Pertenece a un trabajo de www.leanarch.com en Los Angeles, Estados Unidos.

Para revisar fotos de fachadas de casas siga este vínculo, hay una lista de posteos relevantes que podrá revisar.

Numeración para fachada
Vea otros posteos relevantes sobre frentes, aberturas y fachadas, siga los links de la tabla a continuación.

- Rejas artísticas y de seguridad
- Puerta de diseño
- Las ventanas
- Revestimiento en piedra

Por favor, deje su opinión o parecer en un comentario al pie del posteo. Agregue este blog de arquitectura de casas a su lista de Favoritos. Para recibir novedades por email inserte su dirección de correo electrónico en la ventana de la barra lateral. Más abajo hay una breve encuesta muy fácil de responder con un clic, sirve para orientar la publicación de los contenidos según su motivación e intereses. Gracias por participar.

In this chair.

Before my son was born, my best friend told me she had something special she was going to give me after he arrived.

It was the book Love You Forever. She wanted to wait till after his birth because she knew it would have even more meaning then. She knew. I would hold his teeny tiny body in this chair, reading it to him, tears running down my face.
It's about a Momma who picks up her baby while he sleeps, and rocks him back and forth,

back and forth

back and forth

And she would sing,
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be.

I don't even know when I started doing it, but it's been a long time. It's a special treat just for me. I don't even know if my husband knows I do it.

I'll pick up my sleeping boy, sit in this chair, and rock him back and forth,

back and forth

back and forth

Last night I realized how hard it is getting to get sleeping two-year-old out of his crib. He still bends his arms behind his head and arches his back and stretches, just like a baby. Do you know that stretch? He still does it. And then we settle into the chair and I rock him back and forth.

I stare at him in the dark, and every single time I do it, I remember sitting in this chair when he was days, weeks, months old, staring at that same face in the dark. I sit and stare and time just stops.
Once in a while, his eyes will barely open, a huge smile will come across his face and he'll say clear as day whatever he's dreaming about -- usually Dadda, choo choos or Ho Ho Ho (Santa). I'll laugh so hard and he'll keep smiling and then he'll fall back to sleep.

I sit and wish I could have him back as a baby, just for one day, one hour, one minute. Just to remember. All the while, I'm in the moment, memorizing his face, the weight of his body, his smell. So I don't forget.

But I know in two years, when I'm sitting and rocking my four-year-old, I will think back to when he was two, and I will have forgotten. Don't you wish you could bottle it up?

So I'll just continue my ritual, grabbing my sleeping boy, sitting in this chair, and rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be.

Casa en kit de bajo costo en Inglaterra

Vivienda de grandes dimensiones en kit de madera y metal.
Idea de la firma Eldridge Smerin, 17 Calico Row, Plantation Wharf, Londres, Inglaterra.
Sitio web www.eldridgesmerin.com
El concepto de kit deriva de la industrialización y significa en la práctica reducción de costos. Los kits de viviendas hacen de la casa propia algo realmente accesible. Modular, prefabricada y kit son tres ideas de ingeniería que van a estar presentes en una importante proporción de nuevas viviendas durante el Siglo XXI.

Para ampliar información sobre las casas prefabricadas y ver imágenes siga el vínculo, encontrará una lista de posteos relevantes ordenada para su fácil consulta.

Foto 1
Moderna casa modular prefabricada en kit
Foto 2
Vista en perspectiva de la casa de dos plantas
Foto 3
El conjunto es una construcción contemporánea modular
Es un sistema aparentemente fácil de reproducir pero seguramente requiere de una buena escala en el mercado. Lo más destacable es la dimensión de esta vivienda y la simplicidad de los paneles. Estéticamente impresiona como una obra de vanguardia.

Infografía de casa en kit
Infografía mostrando un corte sagital de la casa

Revise los posteos relevantes sobre casas prefabricadas en la tabla a continuación.

- Casa prefabricada chilena
- Casa modular de dos plantas
- Prefabricada modular
- Nuevas casas prefabricadas

Por favor, vuelque su opinión por escrito en un comentario al pie de este posteo. Agregue este blog de arquitectura de casas a su lista de Favoritos. Para recibir novedades por email inserte su dirección de correo electrónico en la ventana de la barra lateral. Más abajo hay una breve encuesta muy fácil de responder con un simple clic, sirve para orientar la edición de los contenidos aquí publicados según su motivación e intereses. Gracias por participar.

Where I write witty, brilliant things...

HA! Stop laughing! My friend Ellie Mae tagged me to show where I blog...well, I usually blog on the laptop, which is all over the house. But I do a lot of looking at blogs in our office, does that count?

I painted the office last weekend. I was going for a rust color the first time I painted it and for about three years, I walked in every.day. and HATED the color. It wasn't right -- too orange, not enough rust. I took advantage of the Behr sale to break my neck break my back paint the whole room again -- ceiling included. Oooooh yeah, I said ceiling. I redid it in a darker, brick color that I think I love. (It wasn't sunny out today so the walls look a little orangy in this light):

Drapes are half widths of fabric, hemmed with hemming tape. Custom, long and EASY!:
I got rid of the $20 office chair I bought years back and found this parson's chair at Kirkland's for $60 last year. LOOOOVE it! And it's comfy!:
We have a lot of pieces from our travels in here. These my hubby got for me while in Japan:
The kitties mean good luck:
The top art piece has our favorite place to eat in NYC in it, the middle is a poster I framed of the skyline, and the bottom is a pic I took at Ground Zero just a few months after 9-11:
Told you I painted the ceiling! :) More about that later. The print up high is a picture of the Statue of Liberty in the dock in Paris, getting ready to come over to the U.S. Such a cool picture:
I'm a freak about Kleenex boxes. They have to match and I about squealed when I saw this one. Problem much?:
Ya'll know I love cigar boxes for storage in here, and my sweet friend Bella sent me this one to add to my collection! It's perfect!:
I moved most of my son's toys to our loft and LOVE IT. There are still a few toys in here, of course. :) The two larger bins were $5 (total!!) at the consignment shop -- on sale and with my credit. Whoohoo! The basket was white-washed and I painted it black:
ACK! Look at those cords!! Hidden behind the trash can at least. Bleh:

My son wanted Bear to be in a picture:
See those little hands, waiting so patiently....
Not so much. He would reach for him RIGHT as I took the picture EVERY TIME. He is so sweet, I could eat him UP. He finally just held him there...so he wouldn't have take his hands off of him. He loves that bear, just a little. :)

OK, no more office pics for a while, I'm sure you are officed-out.

OH! I'm so excited! I answered the rest of your questions, but I started a separate blog just for Q & A. Here is the link.


When I get good questions, I'll post them there! Enjoy!

Duplex de fachada soleada

Las sombras no son proyectadas por nubes, otros edificios y frondosos árboles ocultan con su sombra las casas circundantes. Este duplex se beneficia del retiro de su fachada y del blanco de la pintura.

Para revisar fachadas siga este vínculo, hay una lista de posteos relevantes que podrá revisar fácilmente.

Casas duplex mellizas fachadas soleadas
Vea otros ejemplos de casas duplex y sobre la proyección del sol en fachadas, siga los posteos listados en la tabla a continuación.

- Buscando el sol
- Radiación solar
- Casa solar
- Bahias anguladas para el sol

Revise los posteos sobre casas adosadas.

Por favor, deje su opinión por escrito en un comentario al pie. Agregue, si aún no lo hizo, este blog de arquitectura de casas a su lista de Favoritos. Para recibir novedades por email inserte su dirección de correo electrónico en la ventana de la barra lateral. Más abajo hay una breve encuesta muy fácil de responder con un clic, sirve para orientar la publicación de los contenidos según su motivación e intereses. Gracias por participar.

Casa de fachada Neocolonial española

Esta casa de bonita fachada es un hallazgo en un barrio residencial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Esta completamente restaurada y al detalle. Es de estilo Neocolonial español.

Para ver varias fachadas de casas siga este vínculo, encontrará una lista de posteos relevantes ordenada para su fácil consulta.

Foto 1
Fachada Neocolonial español
Foto 2
Fachada restaurada
Abajo puede apreciarse por aproximación el acceso a esta preciosa vivienda de estilo.

Foto 3
Porche de entrada a la casa
Revise otros posteos sobre arquitectura estilo Colonial, fachadas y casas antíguas. Siga los links de la tabla a continuación.

- Palacio Neocolonial
- Fachada española
- Casa estilo Colonial español
- Restauración de casa estilo Colonial
- Casas antiguas restauradas
- Casa Museo Evita en restauración - Buenos Aires

Por favor, deje su opinión en un comentario al pie. Agregue este blog de arquitectura de casas a su lista de Favoritos. Para recibir novedades por email inserte su dirección de correo electrónico en la ventana de la barra lateral. Más abajo hay una breve encuesta muy simple de responder con un clic, sirve para orientar la publicación de los contenidos según su motivación e intereses. Gracias por participar.

Otro concepto de casas duplex

Es un nuevo diseño de casas duplex en Buenos Aires, la fachada muestra un estilo Contemporáneo.
Destacan: los tres niveles, el color blanco, el tono suave de la mampostería y la madera en los accesos y arriba, que añade calidez cambiando la percepción. Personalmente puedo asegurar que es una agradable impresión de unas casas muy bien equilibradas que rompen esa idea de dos terrenos muy angostos. Esto no parece duplex a primera impresión.

Si desea revisar posteos sobre fachadas siga este vínculo, encontrará una lista de posteos relevantes que podrá consultar.

Foto 1
Fachada de duplex contemporáneos
Foto 2
Accesos a la calle fachada terminada en madera

Revise otos posteos sobre casas duplex y diseños contemporáneos relevantes en la tabla a continuación. También vea una fachada en madera y metal.

- Casas duplex
- Techos y duplex
- Duplex en Pinamar
- Duplex ostentosos
- Fachada duplex
- otras casas duplex
- Casa doble

Por favor, deje su opinión en un comentario al pie. Agregue este blog a su lista de Favoritos. Para recibir novedades por email inserte su dirección de correo electrónico en la ventana de la barra lateral. Más abajo hay una breve encuesta muy simple de responder con un clic, sirve para orientar la publicación de los contenidos según su motivación e intereses. Gracias por participar.

Ten minutes to a room you'll love...

with fabric! The Nester is having a party that I almost completely missed. ME, miss a party? No way Joe-se.

So thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show you all a few more of the quick, cheap updates I've made to our office.

Earlier this week, I showed you the difference fabric made to the bookcase: STILL can't find more of that fabric. Grrrr....I know they can order more, but I don't have the number for it? What do I do?? Anyway, I have used fabric a few other places in this room too. Ya'll know my hatred for cords. I mean....uck, splooey, spit, scrunched-up-disgusted-face, HATE THEM.

I fell in love with this desk years ago (I miss you Bombay Company! Sniff.) and love it, but it also shows everything, including the nasty cords:That box is one everyone needs -- I throw every single random thing in that when people come over. And it serves as my foot rest. :) So I got $5 of fabric, squeezed my bootay back in the corner and hot glued the fabric to the back:
Awwwwwww yeah baby. Buh bye cords:
A few weeks ago I spoke to a local Moms Time Out group. (Hellooooo ladies!) They were so fun and were way too kind and sent me gift cards to two of my favorite places -- Hob Lob and Joann's. They know me, they do. So I got this little storage chest/ottoman at the Lob but hated the fabric.

I mean, grody:
Well, I guess if you had it in the right room...it might be OK...

Nope. GRODY.

So I covered it with my gorg floral fabric, OH that's right, IT'S GONE. I covered it with my cheap olive fabric I found: The goldfish are the added bonus you get when you bribe your two-year-old with them so you can finish this ten minute project. (This one really does take ten minutes!)

Viola! Perfect as a side table, ottoman, and to house big toy trucks:

Won't it look awesome with that floral fabric? Sniff.

Finally, what do you do when you repaint the whole room and the cushion you bought to match the old room doesn't work anymore?:

Huh. In the picture it matches perfect. Imagine that. Anyway...you buy fabric and wrap it around the cushion till you get it sewn!:
There you go, each project took less than ten minutes, and what a difference they have made! This weekend I'll show you the entire room...I'm waiting on one more project to dry. :)

OK, so if you asked me a question last weekend, here I go with some of the answers:

Sav: YES, shelving sounds like a great option! If you have a more modern space, try the floating shelves. If it's more traditional, try the molding shelves. Try layering some framed pics on all of them, it will be a nice distraction from the TV! (Just don't make it too busy.)

Jen: Ohhh, that fabric for my roman shades was from the shop I work for. We have two shops as well as the decorating end of it, and the owner gets A-mazing fabric "short ends" that are a steal. I found the fabric in one of the fabric books once and it was something like $160 a yard or something crazy like that. I can't even remember the brand of fabric now! Sorry!!

Anonymous: You are freakin' kidding me with this, because your exact question is my next project!! Shannon over at Bless our Nest posted the same project she did just as I was thinking about doing it -- she hung the fabric very high and it looks great. YES, I would do it, even with a shorter shower, go for it. I bet hubby will be wrong-O! :) I hope to finish mine this weekend.

Knittingknirvana: Good question! First of all, you have to live in your house while you are in it. Your husband's comment is not the first time I've heard it. But you can't live in your home like you're about to sell it...unless you are about to sell it!! It will take two gallons of paint and a few hours to cover up chocolate walls when you do move someday. I disagree with that notion about resale anyway. Someone may walk in and fall in LOVE with your chocolate bathroom!! My husband loves what I do 99 percent of the time. If he doesn't like it, I don't do it, because it's so rare that he has the opposite view as me. :) I think it would be hard if you both have strong opinions -- just tell him I'm the tie-breaker!!

I'll answer the rest soon, have a great weekend!

Edificio tipo casa en Buenos Aires

Nueva generación de edificios residenciales.
En los barrios residenciales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires hay restricciones para los edificios en altura, lo que obligó a los productores a realizar proyectos de alto nivel en pocos pisos y sin recurrir al agotado recurso de dividir el terreno en dos lotes angostos. El diseño que puede verse en la imagen se destaca por la solidez de la fachada con signos claros de un modelo Contemporáneo.

Aqui hay una obra de gran solidez, fue la intención y está muy bien lograda. La profundidad aparente de las ventanas laterales acentúa la impresión de una fachada fortificada sin crear la idea de arquitectura pesada.

En la imagen inferior puede apreciar lo más destacable de este edificio, la impresión de grosor dada por las ventanas en la aparente profundidad de muro en la fachada.

Foto ventanas
Busque otros edificios en los links de la tabla amarilla.

- + de este edificio
- Edificio en esquina
- El Kabanagh
- Entradas en la noche

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