BOY were we wrong. Everyone in our county thought the same thing. So I created a quick voting survival guide to use when you go vote. Wish someone had told me. Sheesh.
First, one of these. Cause you'll sit. For a long time. And you need something lightweight to drag after you when you do move:
First, one of these. Cause you'll sit. For a long time. And you need something lightweight to drag after you when you do move:

Second, because you'll become parched. Especially when you see every. single. other. person in line has one:

Third, magazines. You'll need all of these, and you'll be able to finish them all. Serious:

Finally, this:

For when you walk around one corner, then another, then another, and realize you still haven't found the end of the line:
And you'll need some to pass out to these people behind you:
And when you're done, you'll need one of these and a nap:

I hate beer and I could have handled one. :)
All this being said, I say GOD BLESS AMERICA. How fantastic that we all will wait for hours to vote. How awesome Americans are this involved. How wonderful we are so passionate about this election.
I just hope my guy wins. :)